My Love Letter To Jane Fonda
December 21, 2018 [Sarina Jain]Share On

Entrepreneurship comes with a lot of ups and downs.
Dear Jane Fonda,
First and foremost, I hope you get to read this letter.
You were the first to revolutionize the fitness industry. You made leotards and leggings very popular with your exercise videos, and I still remember my Aunties popping in your VHS tapes to workout to your routines. You were the first to create exercise videos and had many women (including me!) follow along to them in their homes. It was amazing!
Not sure if you heard this, but for the past 18 years, I've been told that I am the Jane Fonda of India. I was the first to bring Indian dance as an exercise format to the western world. And since I’ve started my business, Masala Bhangra, I have helped so many people get into exercise and movement. I’ve help people create a lifestyle that they love!
You motivated me to come up with my own program and workout videos after my father passed away to a massive cardiac arrest. When I started Masala Bhangra, it was a joke to many people. However, it was my calling and my purpose. I can say proudly, that today, I have 15 workout videos under my belt, and I'm the first to bring Indian dance to the fitness industry at a global level! Just like you made a difference to all those ladies in the 90’s, I am proud to be making a difference to my community.

You certainly inspired me, Jane Fonda. You didn't care what you looked like and you made exercise look so fun. You inspired me to do the best I can with my DVDs, and you still inspire today with all of your amazing projects. I just loved you in Monster in Law and I can’t wait to watch your new show on Netflix!
Since the new year is coming up, I know a lot of people are thinking about their New Year resolutions. I've always been a sucker for setting goals but I know that it’s not just about setting goals or having ideas. It's about taking action. The idea doesn't come alive until you take action and continue to take action. I want all of my readers to know that there is no point in giving up on your New Year Resolutions (or goals as I like to call them!) because no one is going to do it for you. Just like no one created my business for me. I had to take the inspired action and continue going day after day even when I didn't feel like it.

Thank you, Jane Fonda, for helping me get started with my dream and giving me the inspiration that I needed to take to come out with my first workout video in 1999.
Finally, before I end this overdue love letter, I want you to know how awesome it would be to meet you, Jane Fonda. I would love to just sit down with a cup of Indian chai (or a full-blown traditional Indian dinner!) and tell you my story. It would be amazing to see your reaction and I hope it would be a positive one. Just name the day and time and I’ll be there!

If any of my readers know Jane Fonda or know someone who knows Jane Fonda, spread the word! I will be forever grateful. It would be a dream come true to finally meet her. Happy Holidays!
Sarina Jain
Do you have someone who you’d love to meet? Tell me in the comments!